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Exposed DVD | The Illuminati Takeover, 8th Edition

Our Price: $13.99


Exposed DVD has brought you numerous DVDs exposing the darkside of the music industry and the artists people know and love, including Jay-Z's Master Mason DVD, A 2Pac Assassination conspiracy report, the Demonic Possession of Rihanna and Jay-Z, a DVD about false teachers/prophets/religious leaders, a DVD about R&B/pop stars, DVDs exposing the false Black History teachings of European academia, a DVD decoding Jay-Z's inspirations, a DVD about the false teachers/prophets/ministries misguiding their followers, and even more DVD coverage on the so-called Illuminati presence in hip-hop.

Do y'all believe the hype? Or are these Exposed DVDs just blowing smoke? That's for you to decide...They're just laying out their evidence and side of the story and ultimately allowing you to draw your own conclusions.

DESCRIPTION FROM THE DVD PRODUCER: This DVD exposes the power of mind control by the Illuminati. You will learn who runs the media, Hollywood, etc. This DVD will expose the secrets behind these masonic corporate logos and the truth about how they get into the minds of our kids with cartoons and video games.

Find out the true meaning of these Holidays we participate in... all in the name of the New World Order. Your kids are beind mind-controlled. Corporate Movies, Holidays, Television. They want you Mind, Body & Soul. Are you a slave? The Illuminati Takeover, 8th Edition DVD.

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